Information about the master thesis
Important information for students regarding the official registration process for the Master's thesis
(as of 07/16/2019)
1) Certificate of Admission (green) Complete the form (use only the form on this page!!), and send it to the supervisor respectively his/her secretariat. The supervisor or the secretariat sends the admission certificate together with the task description signed by the supervisor to Mrs. Gärtner (marion gaertner ∂does-not-exist.kit edu). The documents should be submitted BEFORE the start of the thesis if possible, but they can also be submitted shortly after the start of the thesis, however they must be received by the Master's Examination Board no later than 4 weeks after the start of the thesis. This also applies to external Master's theses.
2) Topic, start of thesis etc. will be entered in the system by the Master Examination Board.
3) The student will receive an email as soon as the information regarding the master thesis is entered in the system.
Please note: The Master's thesis may only be started after the following achievements have been successfully completed:
a) Professional internship
b) Process and plant engineering and three further extended basic subjects
Further information:
1) The Master's thesis should not exceed 55 to 60 pages (without appendix).
2) For theses written in English, the application must be submitted with an English assignment. The declaration of independence in the thesis should also be written in English.
3) The assignment with which the Master's thesis is reported to the Examination Committee must be included unchanged in the thesis (front).
4) Blocking Notice. For papers that need to receive a blocking note, please use the following template:
Sperrvermerk Vorlage.pdf
5) When handing in the Master's thesis, the student has to assure in writing that he/she has written the thesis independently and has not used any sources and aids other than those indicated by him/her, that he/she has marked the passages taken over verbatim or in content as such and that he/she has observed the statutes of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) for the safeguarding of good scientific practice in the currently valid version. If this declaration is not included, the thesis will not be accepted. If an untrue statement is submitted, the Master's thesis will be graded as "not sufficient" (5.0). (SPO 2016, § 14 para. 5).
The declaration reads as follows:
"Declaration of originality:
I hereby declare that I have written this thesis independently, that I have not used any sources or aids other than those indicated , and that I have marked as such any passages/thoughts taken directly or indirectly from external sources. I furthermore declare that I have complied with the current version of the Statutes for Safeguarding Good Research Practice at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
Place, Date Signature"
6) A justified application for an extension (SPO 2016, § 14 Abs. 6) can be submitted to the Master Examination Board. Valid reasons can be, for example: illness, failure of the experimental apparatus, delivery problems, etc. A form must be requested from the Master's Examination Board for the application.
7) In the case of external Master's theses, the examination regulations (SPO 2016, §14 (2)) and the MERKBLATT for external theses must be observed.
8) A copy of the thesis has to be handed in to Mrs. Gärtner, Building 40.51, Room 304, by the deadline. This copy will be forwarded to the second examiner for the preparation of the second opinion after the date of submission has been determined.
For queries: Master's Examination Committee, Mrs. Gärtner (marion gaertner ∂does-not-exist.kit edu), as at: 16.01.2025