The study programmes offer a flexible composition as well as a diverse range of options and specialisations. The content is oriented towards the research foci of the KIT faculty. In addition to classical process engineering, there are courses in the fields of energy and environmental technology, product design and bio and food technology, to name just a few examples.
A professional internship, interdisciplinary qualifications and a master's thesis, in which you contribute to current research topics, round off the profile.

Bioengineering / Chemical Engineering & Process Engineering
Standard period of study 4 semesters
(maximum duration of study 8 semesters)
Credit points 120
Degree Master of Science
Language German
Application Winter and summer semester
summer semester

Chemical and process engineering

The Master's degree programme in Chemical and Process Engineering (CIW) at KIT builds on the Bachelor's degree programme in CIW at KIT. Prerequisite for admission is a completed Bachelor's degree as well as previous subject knowledge according to § 6 of the admission statutes. With a completed Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering and Process Engineering or Bioengineering at KIT, the subject-related prerequisites are automatically fulfilled.


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The prerequisite for admission is a completed bachelor's or diploma degree from a recognised university in bioengineering or a related degree programme. No minimum grade is required.


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