Study abroad?
Study-related stays abroad
The dream of many students is to spend a study-related phase abroad during their studies. The motivation for this is manifold:
- to acquire new academic knowledge
- get to know other teaching and learning systems
- experience the world of work in another country
- to improve the knowledge of foreign languages
- to get to know foreign cultures
- make new friends
- to develop personally further
- ...
No matter what your motives are, whether you are planning to study in France or write your thesis in Spain, or whether you want to do an internship in Italy. The KIT Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Process Engineering maintains numerous partnerships within the framework of which you can realize your plans and carry out a study-related stay abroad.
Ways to go abroad
As a student at the KIT Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Process Engineering, there are numerous ways to go abroad. Erasmus+ will be discussed here. For information on further programs, please contact the International Students Officecentrally for all KIT students.
Recommendation for the time of the stay abroad
In the Bachelor's programmes, a possible stay abroad should take place after the end of the 5th semester at the earliest, when a large part of the examinations have been passed successfully. Additional modules or an industrial internship (coordination via KOOR Best) can then be completed abroad.
In exceptional cases and only in consultation with a lecturer of the CIW faculty, the Bachelor thesis can also be written abroad.
In the case of a stay abroad during the Master's programme, it is recommended to complete the technical supplementary subjects, additional subjects or the industrial internship. It is also possible to complete parts of the specialisation subjects or extended basics abroad. However, this has to be discussed in advance with the person responsible for the specialisation subjects or, in the case of the extended fundamentals, with the lecturer. An examination schedule agreement (see Registration - Procedure, point 7) has to be filled in and signed together with the Learning Agreement.
I would like to go abroad - What to do?
You will find the following information on stays abroad within Europe (Erasmus) and outside Europe
Stay abroad with Erasmus
Erasmus: partnerships with selected European universities (see list under Partnerships)
Registration - Procedure
1. Expression of interest for WS 2025/2026 and SS 2026
For this purpose, please fill in the form "Expression of Interest" and send it by email to marion gaertner ∂does-not-exist.kit edu no later than November 15, 2024.
2. Advice from the Erasmus coordinator should preferably be given before the selection procedure. For this, please register for the consultation by email to Prof. Grohmann (steffen grohmann ∂does-not-exist.kit edu).
3. Selection procedure will take place in the first weeks of January.
In view of the limited number of places available and the desire of students to attend universities where only English is required as proof of language ability, a nomination to the university of their choice cannot be guaranteed. Selection is made - if possible - according to interest, but also by means of proof of performance and/or by drawing lots.
4. After the selection procedure, applicants will be informed by email for which university they have been selected. The applicants will also receive a link to Mobility Online. There, the online registration has to be carried out. Please note: Only a registration for the university that you have been selected for is allowed.
5. Applicants, whose application was not successful, will also be informed. They will receive information on universities that can still be chosen.
6. The Learning Agreement will be checked and approved by the Department, after it has been uploaded in Mobility Online.
7. Students who wish to have compulsory modules in the Bachelor, parts of the specialization subject or an extended basis in the Master must obtain approval from the subject representative in advance. The following form must be used for this: Examination plan agreement for the recognition of academic achievements. The Examination Plan Agreement must be submitted together with the Learning Agreement.
8. For the recognition of the technical supplementary subject it is advisable to send a short summary of the contents to Mrs. Gärtner so that it can be checked whether the subject is "technical" enough and recognition is possible. Please pay attention to the level of the technical supplementary subject. For students in the Master's programme, the Technical Supplement must also have Master's level.
Important: There is only ONE application deadline for the winter and summer semester
Internal application deadline (Mrs Gärtner) for applications: 15.11.
Remaining places can also be awarded at a later date, but in this case there is no guarantee of a scholarship.
Recognition of examinations taken abroad
Master thesis
Industrial internship
Recognition is granted after examination by the Traineeships Office, if necessary. Information on industrial internships abroad can be obtained from KOOR/BEST.
General or technical advice:
- experienced students
- Specialist representative(s) with contacts
- Erasmus Coordinator
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Grohmann
Institute for Technical Thermodynamics and Refrigeration
Refrigeration and cryogenics
Building 40.32, room 132
Consultation hours: Tuesday 14.00 - 15:30
Steffen Grohmann ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Phone +49 721 608 - 42332
Electives, additional modules or an industrial internship can be completed abroad, as well as the bachelor thesis in consultation with a faculty representative.
In the case of a stay abroad during the Master's programme, the industrial internship, modules or even sub-modules of the Master's curriculum can be completed after consultation with the respective module supervisors of the faculty. The simplest are technical supplementary subjects, interdisciplinary qualification and additional services (see above)
Working Group Erasmus
The working group Erasmus is a student university group, which on the one hand takes care of incoming foreign students in Karlsruhe and on the other hand advises Karlsruhe students about the possibilities to study abroad.
Within this framework, the working group offers, among other things, a weekly consultation hour in which Karlsruhe students can get advice on the possibilities of studying abroad. Students also have the opportunity to visit the homepage of the working group ( itself.
Stay abroad outside Erasmus
Information from the International Students Office (IStO)(
technical advice: professional representative
Example: Ba-Wü program