1. transfer of Master's preferential credits to the Master's degree
For Master's preferred credits to be recognised in the Master's, the form"Transfer of Master's preferred credits to the Master's programme" must be completed and submitted to the Master's Examination Board (Mrs Gärtner).
2. study plan
A paper copy of the study plan must be completed and submitted to Mrs. Gärtner for approval. Please send the study plan by email to Mrs Gärtner. The form can be found here: Plan of Study
Once the study plan has been approved, the choices made will be transferred into the system and you will then be able to register for exams.
Changes of the study plan are possible:
Technical Supplementary Subject:
- In case of change you must not be registered for the examination in the Campus Management System.
Major Subject:
- In case of change you must not be registered for the examination in the Campus Management System.
- The compulsory module of the major subject cannot be changed.
- After taking the examination in a module of the major subject, the major subject itself cannot be changed anymore. Other modules within the major subject, however, can still be changed.
3. organisational aspects of the specialisation subjects
Further information can be found on the page"Specialisation subjects".
4. technical supplementary subject
5. additional services and interdisciplinary qualification
Additional credits and interdisciplinary qualifications cannot always be registered directly in the CAS system (e.g. some modules from another faculty). In any case, you must contact Mrs Gärtner BEFORE the examination.
Exception for interdisciplinary qualification at the House of Competence (HoC) or Language Centre
If the generic qualification is taken at the HoC or Language Centre, then no certificate of admission is required for an examination performance, as the performances are automatically posted in the CAS system under "unassigned performance records".
Crediting of performances that are listed under "unassigned certificates of achievement
If you wish to receive credit for an achievement that is listed under "unassigned credits", you must complete the form"Übertrag SQ MPA" and submit it to the Master's Examination Board (Mrs Gärtner, marion gaertner ∂does-not-exist.kit edu).
What is considered a supra-disciplinary qualification (key qualification)?
According to the definition of the Education Commission NRW (1995) key qualifications are
"[...] acquireable general skills, attitudes and knowledge elements which are useful in solving problems and acquiring new competences in as many content areas as possible, so that an ability to act is created which makes it possible to meet both individual and societal requirements."
Key qualifications are defined as supra-disciplinary qualifications that are intended to enable people to take action. They are therefore not specialist knowledge, but enable the competent handling of specialist knowledge. Key qualifications are made up of a broad spectrum of overarching skills from both the cognitive and the affective spheres. These competences can be used and transferred flexibly and innovatively in various situations and functions.
Such events can be attended at ZAK[http://www.zak.kit.edu/], HOC[http://www.hoc.kit.edu/] and SPZ[http://www.spz.kit.edu/], for example, and the corresponding competencies can be acquired. This is also recommended by the faculty. Due to the breadth of the offer, the SPO and the module handbook do not impose any restrictions on the choice of key qualifications.
6. recognition of achievements (please read § 18 SPO)
Within the university system
According to § 18 of the Study and Examination Regulations, study and examination achievements whichhave been obtained in courses of study at state or state-recognised universities and universities of cooperative education in the Federal Republic of Germany orat foreign state or state-recognised universities canbe recognised upon application by the student. Please submit an informal application (email) to Mrs. Gärtner and enclose the necessary supporting documents (e.g. transcript of records, certificates, module descriptions,...).
Students who are newly enrolled in the Master's programme in Bioengineering or Chemical Engineering and Process Engineering must submit the application within one semester. No deadlines apply to achievements made within the framework of exchange programmes.
Outside the university system
Knowledge acquired outside the university system can also be recognised. A common example is the recognition of a work placement by submitting a certificate or proof of relevant vocational training. Please also submit an informal application (email) to Mrs. Gärtner for achievements acquired outside the university system.
7. Master Information Event of the Master Examination Committee and the Student Council CIW
Master information event - once a year (summer term)
During this week, the specialisation subjects will be presented online and you will have the opportunity to ask questions.
In advance, you can inform yourself in the cross-semester ILIAS course on the Master's transition/Master's.
Status: 18.07.2022 (M. Gärtner)