Theses at the KIT Department of Chemical and Process Engineering

At the KIT Department of Chemical and Process Engineering the Bachelor Examination Board is responsible for the registration and administration of Bachelor theses, and the Master Examination Board is responsible for the registration and administration of Master theses.

The following documents are required to register a thesis:

  • Zulassungsbescheinigung (filled out by the student)
  • Task description (important: with start date and signature of the examiner)

The documents for the registration of a thesis are sent to the respective examination board by the examiner or his or her office. The documents should be submitted before starting the thesis, but they must be received by the respective examination board no later than 4 weeks after starting the thesis. The thesis will then be registered in the Campus Management System by the examination board. After the completion of the thesis (Bachelor's thesis: 4 months, Master's thesis: 6 months), the student has to submit a hard copy of his or her thesis to the respective examination board.

Please note that students must meet the following requirements to be allowed to start a thesis:

  • Bachelor's thesis: at least 120 ECTS
  • Master's thesis: PAT and at least three further modules of the Advanced Fundamentals as well as the internship

A thesis should prove that students are able to work on a problem from their field of study independently and according to scientific methods within 4 months (Bachelor's thesis) or within 6 months (Master's thesis). The topic and task must meet these criteria. The examination board should be able to identify which colleague can be named as second examiner. The task description must be submitted to the examination board no later than 4 weeks after the start of the work. The student will receive the original of the signed task description (the original task description will later be included in the thesis). Important: If the thesis is written in English, the task description must also be written in English.

  • Template task description for a Bachelor's thesis
  • Template task description for a Master's thesis

The examiner prepares a written report and sends it to the second examiner and the examination board. The second examiner signs the report if he or she agrees with the grading of the thesis and sends the report to the examination board.

The evaluation time must not exceed six weeks (Bachelor's thesis) or eight weeks (Master's thesis).

When submitting the thesis, students have to include a declaration of originality. If this declaration is not included, the work will not be accepted. If an untrue declaration is submitted, the thesis will be graded as "not sufficient" (5.0).

Deutsch: "Eigenständigkeitserklärung
Ich versichere wahrheitsgemäß, die Arbeit selbständig verfasst, alle benutzten Hilfsmittel vollständig und genau angegeben und alles kenntlich gemacht zu haben, was aus Arbeiten anderer unverändert oder mit Abänderungen entnommen wurde sowie die Satzung des KIT zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis in der jeweils gültigen Fassung beachtet zu haben."

Englisch: "Declaration of originality
I hereby declare that I have written this thesis independently, that I have not used any sources or aids other than those indicated , and that I have marked as such any passages/thoughts taken directly or indirectly from external sources. I furthermore declare that I have complied with the current version of the Statutes for Safeguarding Good Research Practice at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

Please use the following official KIT template for theses with a non-disclosure notice.